Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

I'm moving!

Good news!
I finally made a new blog with a suitable name. Yay!!
Go visit http://icydelight.wordpress.com/ :)
Please give a lot of love to my brand new blog. See you there!

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Hey, it's been a while.

Hi!! It's about 6.5 months since my last post and nearly 4 years since my first post in this blog!
Things sure have changed a lot for the last 4 years. The way I write, the way I tell my story, the moments that  were happening all this time.. I love to recall the perfect plan God has made for my past and I can't deny that I'm really looking forward for other great works of God in my future life :)

To be honest, I think I'll stop posting in this blog. I think it's the time to end a chapter of my life and start a new one. I got some reasons for that :p
- The posts in this blog are so random, I mean, I need to make a new blog with narrowed topics. I can't just post everything. I'll do some kind of filtering to decide which is good to post, which is no. I'll move from being a dear-diary-girl to a hey-you-gotta-love-my-story-girl...er woman -- sort of.
- Why not start to post the good stories here? I did, but.. Sometimes I get embarrassed if people get the access to my old, childish post.
- Kinda attracted to other blogging platform. Maybe wordpress or tumblr. I read some reviews and comparison of those three through websites. Tumblr has more page views lately. So I think I gonna go with Tumblr :)
- 2 friends of mine have posted beautiful post about us three (in Tumblr).. and I feel like I want to post something in return, but nooo... don't read my old post, buddy~! (their posts are here and here)
- I feel like I want to start writing again. To train my writing skill (esp english), to be more open and care about the others, to bless other people through my posts and to review/re-check myself (what I've done so far, what I'll do next, sort of brainstorming/evaluation). But! Not here I think. I want to take a new blank sheet of paper and draw it even more beautifully.

If been thinking of doing this even since last year, but I think this time is even more right time (I'm turning 20 in a month -- doesn't sound right, anyway..). You know. the time for this little girl to get old has finally come. Hahahaha.. Let's just say 'mature', instead of old, shall we? :)
Anyway.. so getting 20 means leaving teenager life.. it's like closing a chapter of life and moving to the other chapter right? So does this blog :)
In charge of posting more interesting, fun and blessing posts in the future, here is Meicy!

A little bit teaser about what I'm going to post in my new blog. Hmm.. I'll ensure you that there will be NO junk post at all. The post will be intended to inspire you, bless you, adding more happiness to your life -- in short, giving a good impact for you and people around you^^ I'll be posting about me, my life, the perfect plan of God in me, yeah, it's personal blog. It's like my journal. Moreover, if I ended up using Tumblr, I might re-blog other's story too! So it's not completely about me :)
The goal is to tell the world about the wonderful works of God in Meicy's life. It's like making God's portfolio.

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."
- Winston Churchill

Unsure if other bloggers did this too, but I think I do the right thing :)
I'll still visit this blog just to see if there's any comment or important stuff to check.
Oh, I might be back just to inform you my new blog site and other social media/forum where you can find me. Meanwhile, you can catch up with me through my twitter and a tumblr that I purposely made for art-related posts.
Stay blessed and see ya!

P.S.: I would love to read comments & suggestion from you guys^^ Esp about how my new blog would be made. Thanks!

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Business level: high. Laziness level: dreadfully high.

Gosh. There are so many things to be done before February. Some of them even need to be done THIS WEEK and no progress since 2 weeks ago. Seriously, it's not that I like this (WHO will like this anyway?). Time management, I will seriously master you this year. Laziness, you're going to be a history.

I was supposed to post about new year, but I never thought that I'm going to be this busy T____T My lecturers, giving projects and demanding for the best result like their subject is the only subject I take this semester! You know I try hard to not become bald.

But still...
God is good all the time.

About my GPS (for my last post, it supposed to be GPS, not GPA) goal, I'm thinking about this recently, "3.7 seems to be impossible at this moment. Should I raise the target into 4?" I'm serious :) Higher the target, higher the result will be. Tee-hee!

What if I can't reach 3.7 at the end?
It will be a shame, since I proudly said that target out loud on my previous post. But it's okay ^^ I will never give up :) Whether target reached or not, still, glory to the Almighty God :) Going to rise up every time I fall. Going to do my best till the end. There's still some time to make that 3.7 happen. Eventough it seems to be hard impossible.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
-Matthew 19:26 (NIV)
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
-Luke 18:27 (NIV)

(btw, what a coincidence ah nothing is a coincidence, so my music player is now playing "Impossible is Nothing" by Harvest Praise Ministry, I didn't change it.)

I might post about new year-related things after all chaos works are under control ;p
2012, time to go extra miles, be more than average and glorify God's name trough my works. 

Work hard, play hard.. pray hard! :)
Have a productive day^^

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

A Short Post

Hari ini iseng buka blog karena beberapa teman mengaku sudah membacanya.. dan.. e buset..rame amat nih. Tumben sekali buka lgsg ada 3 unread comments. (Promosimu berhasil eun.. ;p)

Yak, bagi yg belom tau, saya telah menelantarkan blog saya selama beberapa bulan. Bahkan mengisinya dengan posting2an gak jelas. Akhir2 ini, dilihat2 dan dicermat2.. Padahal dulu postingannya bagus2 tapi kok beberapa postingan terakhir galau pisan. Tidak boleh itu ckck.
Harus kembali ke jalan yg benar. Hahaha.. Peaknya mungkin yg postingan galau itu, dan postingan yg New Strategy itu yg uda kembali ke jalan yg benar. Tralalala... Ya kan orang pasti ada lah masa2 galaunya. I didn't regret it kok. Yg penting kan gimana kita bisa bangkit dan improve ourselves dari galau period itu.

Hmm share dikit aja deh.
Lagi deket2 mid, banyak tugas dan udah sekitar 3 minggu ini pinggangku sakit. Uda rencana periksa dokter dalam waktu dekat ini sih. Doain nothing's bad happened :P
Maaf ya.. saya jadi lebih sering ngga sabaran gara2 sakit pinggang ini >.< Melelahkan sekali rasanya..

Yah segitu aja dulu deh. Mau kerjain tugas2. Berjuang mati2an buat 3 minggu ini. Semoga berakhir dengan satisfaction. Amiiin^^

Have an energetic day! GBU :)

Me and My Drawings

This entry is copied from my deviant journal at deviantart.com. Watch my deviations if you liked to^^ It's YovenSignique^^

Hello. My name is Meicy :)

This is my first journal entry. So I made this account long long time ago but it seems to be abandoned until now. I do visit deviantart regularly (esp when I got a new design project & I need to find some inspirations ), but well, I haven't posted anything yet.

Well, Hi again then. My name is Meicy and I'm a graphic design student in a university in Jakarta.
When people heard about my major, first question from them was.. Oh, so you can draw well eh?
and then the rest of the conversation would be...
"err.. no?"
"... yeah, I mean.. not really. I don't like to draw realistically. I want to draw anything I want to draw. Some fantasy creatures, something disproportionally cute..."
But behind them (esp in the peak of a sorrowful drawing assignment), I will go like.... "GOD!! I hate drawing! I hate drawiiingg!! Why they ask me to do this! Oh nooo I took a wrong major!"

Today is actually the peak of my stressful battle between me and my drawing skill. That's why I write this now. Drawing. This has turned out to be a big issue. Seems like every project needs this. Even my lovely typography class! Waaaaiiiii T.T
But the most bloody smurf is, of course, the illustration design class. Not that I hate the subject or the lecturer. It's just, again, my SUCK drawing skill is the main problem. I really hate this condition. I really envy those people who can draw REALLY well. TOO well. It seems like someone with a good drawing skill has won over any design project. Just put some good drawing on it, with a right composition and layout, add some standard fonts, and voila! Masterpiece!
Meanwhile, me, on the other stink corner, struggling in drawing a stickman with a graphic tablet. *sad song playing on the background*

The fact is, yes, I love design, but seriously, drawing is not my strong point. Let me clear this up. Drawing is MY WEAKNESS.
Should I give up?
..... Why should I? I already here anyway. There's no turning back.
Shortly, I wont give up on that. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.
My drawings suck? So? Like picasso never had a bad drawing..
All I have to do is practice.. practice.. and practice.. which is kinda hard to do.

So I'm planning to stick a really big white paper on my wall and start filling that thing up EVERYDAY with my random drawings and see if I do some improvements after it's filled up.
Hope this method works!

Oh, one last thing. I will start to fill up my gallery. Hope you enjoy it and.... comments are strongly needed.
Let's see if I could improve from one to another artwork^^


Rabu, 14 September 2011

New Strategy!

So I managed to abandon this blog. Hahaha.. So busy~~
Hmm.. I don't know what to share. Maybe just a couple of things :D
So the galau period has ended, and I learned many things about love and relationship :)
Looking back, I was an immature girl. Tapi sekarang udah bisa lebih dewasa lah setidaknya. And I'm proud with that improvement. My life has changed a lot for the last 1 year. All thanks to God who gave me a church community in Jakarta :)

Sekarang udah lebih dewasa dalam berpikir, lebih tega dan tegas, dan lebih rajin merawat diri. Banyak yg bilang aku *ehem* tambah cantik sekarang. Haha.. Puji Tuhan banget lah itu. Istilah "gambar diri yang sudah dipulihkan" bener2 kerasa nyata banget. Temenku bilang, it's something appear because there is something healed :) Thanks for always by my side God^^ Seneng banget punya temen2 di gereja di Jakarta yg baik banget. Ngga ragu2 memuji.. dan mukanya tu bener2 tulus waktu memuji. Mungkin dari situ aku jadi berasa lovable banget. So, for the sake of their love, I will grow up to be a better person. Inside and outside.

God, I may not be what I wanted to be, but thanks.. I'm not what I used to be :)

Aku juga mau belajar untuk tidak mempedulikan hal2 yang emang gak perlu diperduliin. Contoh, dulu kalo ada orang baik sama aku, aku suka mikir, ni motivasi orang baik sama aku apa ya.. Tapi sekarang berusaha gak peduliin itu. Anggep aja semuanya perbuatan baik ke aku adalah tulus. Masalah hati mereka biar Tuhan yang melihat aja. Terus kadang2 suka mikir jg, nanti kalo aku berbuat ini orang bakal mikir apa ya. Selalu pikirin kata2 orang dan takut akan pendapat orang. Tapi aku berusaha untuk ngga mempedulikan itu lagi. Karena sebenernya tindakan apapun yg kita perbuat, selalu akan ada pihak yg menentang dan mendukung. So, ngga akan ada abisnya kalo mikirin pendapat orang. Yang penting lakuin yang baik di mata Tuhan aja. Selain itu, aku mau belajar untuk lebih mempedulikan hal2 yang emang perlu dipeduliin. Nilai2 kuliah misalnya. Keluarga. Kehidupan rohani. Mending fokus ke situ dulu.

Hmm.. selanjutnya aku bakal bahas soal apa yg mo aku lakuin ke depannya.
Aku masi berjuang dalam usaha 'mendapatkan hati mama'. Selalu dari dulu berusaha untuk bisa jadi anak baik, yang bikin dia seneng. Seberapa keras aku berusaha. Jatoh lagi jatoh lagi. Dimarahin lagi dimarahin lagi. Rasanya tuh kalo udah dimarahin, harus ulang dari nol lagi buat tunjukkin ke mama kalo aku udah berubah jadi orang yang bisa nyenengin dia. Berusaha bersikap manis, dibilang sok imut. Berusaha bersikap dewasa, dibilang dingin & gak sopan. Kepriben to yo mak'e..
Aku kadang sebel kalo udah dimarahin mama. Ada hal2 yang seharusnya ngga dia ucapin. Karena itu bener2 ngga bagus buat aku ke depannya. Harusnya dia juga ngertiin aku, kemampuanku ya cuma sampe segini. Kalo dia liat orang lain, dia harusnya bersyukur, aku masi lebih mending dari kebanyakan anak seumuran aku. Ini dia malah gak puas sama segala macam aspek hidupku (kelakuan, nilai). Tapi terus aku teringat.. Jangan berharap lebih kalo gak mau dituntut lebih. Mama mungkin gak mau aku jadi orang yang biasa2 aja. Average aja. Dia mau aku bener2 di atas. Jadi orang sukses. Makanya dia nuntut aku lebih dari yang biasanya :) So, fighting!^^

So I watched a korean drama yesterday, and I got a new strategy. Di drama ini dikisahkan seorang wanita yang punya passion di nyanyi & ngeband, tapi kakeknya melarang. Kakeknya gak suka western music dan segala macem alat musiknya. Kakeknya getol banget suru si cucu belajar alat musik tradisional (gayageum/kecapi). Tiap kali si cucu mau pergi latian dilarang. Sampe2 kakeknya dateng ke kampus si cucu untuk menangkap basah si cucu yang lagi latihan nyanyi sama sebuah band. Tapi semua itu berubah ketika si cucu ditawari rekaman sama seorang produser. Kakeknya ngga bisa nolak lagi kali ini. Because this is a big thing man. Your grand daughter gotta be famous because of this and you will be the most pitiful person if you forbid her. Dari sini aku belajar, ternyata kalo kita udah berhasil, pandangan orang bisa beda ya. Seperti si cucu ini bisa memenangkan ijin dari kakeknya, aku akan mencoba memenangkan hati mama juga. Mau tunjukin kalo aku bisa sukses, bisa jadi orang. Mungkin saat itu dia akan melihat aku sebagai seorang wanita yang bisa diandalkan dan dibanggakan. She would never underestimate me again. Aku inget kata2 dia beberapa hari yang lalu, "Gayamu itu lho! Ngelawak terus, gak pernah serius. Mending kalo uda bisa cari duit sendiri! Mending kalo nilainya bagus, ngga papa kamu maen2 (dan melawak ;p). Uda nilai pas2an, kerjaannya main terus."
Hahaha.. so thanks God. I got the strategy. BINGO!

Bentar lagi masuk semester 3. Semester ini aku mau mencoba tampil all out. Berjuang abis2an. Jor2an. Sakmodare. Target GPS 3,7 <<< ditulis sekalian. biar malu kalo gak kesampean. hahaha Aku mau buktiin seberapa jauh sih kemampuanku. Coba jangan males2an. Coba kalau ada tugas langsung dikerjain. Coba setiap hari ngga males bangun pagi. Coba bisa mengurangi jalan2 ke mall. Coba abis kuliah n ke gereja terus langsung pulang. Coba rajin berdoa dan baca firman tiap hari. Aku bilang ke mami rohaniku, "Mi, aku akan memulai semester 3 ini dengan strategi yang lebih fantastis, bombastis dan keren abis!! With God's guidance tentunya^^". Dan responnya bagus banget. Si mami mendukung banget. Terus aku juga bilang ke mami, "Mi, kalo tar target IP tercapai, ada rewardnya yah." Mami bilang, "Siaaaaaap nak!" So far udah ada 3 orang yang menjanjikan reward kalau target IPku tercapai. I wont lose it!! Aku juga percaya kalo target ini tercapai, bakal mendukung pengajuan proposal laptop baru ke ibu negara :D Salah satu cara buat overcome lazyness adalah dengan punya motivasi yang kuat. Kalo untuk aku, motivasiku adalah pride (pengen dapet pujian dan dibanggain ortu. Plus, anak Tuhan nilainya harus bagus dong. hehe), lalu reward dari temen & mama, dan demi cinta + support yg uda aku dapetin selama ini (baik dalam hal material maupun spiritual).
You have to wake up every morning with DETERMINATION if you want to sleep every night with SATISFACTION.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. - Matt 5:16

Semangat buat semester ini dan semester2 selanjutnya!! Kasi yang terbaik, excellent performance!!
Have a victorious day! GBU :)

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011