Hi!! It's about 6.5 months since my last post and nearly 4 years since my first post in this blog!
Things sure have changed a lot for the last 4 years. The way I write, the way I tell my story, the moments that were happening all this time.. I love to recall the perfect plan God has made for my past and I can't deny that I'm really looking forward for other great works of God in my future life :)
To be honest, I think I'll stop posting in this blog. I think it's the time to end a chapter of my life and start a new one. I got some reasons for that :p
- The posts in this blog are so random, I mean, I need to make a new blog with narrowed topics. I can't just post everything. I'll do some kind of filtering to decide which is good to post, which is no. I'll move from being a dear-diary-girl to a hey-you-gotta-love-my-story-girl...er woman -- sort of.
- Why not start to post the good stories here? I did, but.. Sometimes I get embarrassed if people get the access to my old, childish post.
- Kinda attracted to other blogging platform. Maybe wordpress or tumblr. I read some reviews and comparison of those three through websites. Tumblr has more page views lately. So I think I gonna go with Tumblr :)
- 2 friends of mine have posted beautiful post about us three (in Tumblr).. and I feel like I want to post something in return, but nooo... don't read my old post, buddy~! (their posts are here and here)
- I feel like I want to start writing again. To train my writing skill (esp english), to be more open and care about the others, to bless other people through my posts and to review/re-check myself (what I've done so far, what I'll do next, sort of brainstorming/evaluation). But! Not here I think. I want to take a new blank sheet of paper and draw it even more beautifully.
If been thinking of doing this even since last year, but I think this time is even more right time (I'm turning 20 in a month -- doesn't sound right, anyway..). You know. the time for this little girl to get old has finally come. Hahahaha.. Let's just say 'mature', instead of old, shall we? :)
Anyway.. so getting 20 means leaving teenager life.. it's like closing a chapter of life and moving to the other chapter right? So does this blog :)
In charge of posting more interesting, fun and blessing posts in the future, here is Meicy!
A little bit teaser about what I'm going to post in my new blog. Hmm.. I'll ensure you that there will be NO junk post at all. The post will be intended to inspire you, bless you, adding more happiness to your life -- in short, giving a good impact for you and people around you^^ I'll be posting about me, my life, the perfect plan of God in me, yeah, it's personal blog. It's like my journal. Moreover, if I ended up using Tumblr, I might re-blog other's story too! So it's not completely about me :)
The goal is to tell the world about the wonderful works of God in Meicy's life. It's like making God's portfolio.
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."
- Winston Churchill
Unsure if other bloggers did this too, but I think I do the right thing :)
I'll still visit this blog just to see if there's any comment or important stuff to check.
Oh, I might be back just to inform you my new blog site and other social media/forum where you can find me. Meanwhile, you can catch up with me through my twitter and a tumblr that I purposely made for art-related posts.
Stay blessed and see ya!
P.S.: I would love to read comments & suggestion from you guys^^ Esp about how my new blog would be made. Thanks!