Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

God bless me..

4:47 PM 8/28/2008
..+~God Bless Me~+..
Everyday, when I open my eyes and take a breath,, God bless me...
When I get up from my bed and stand up,, God bless me ..
When I can see, feel, touch, smile, cry, laugh... God Bless me..
When I open the shower, feel warm water and nice soap,, God bless me
When I didn't come late to school... God bless me..
When I can meet my friends, look at their smile and laugh,, God bless me
When I can study in senior high school,, God bless me..
When I get bad score in school,, God bless me..
When I have everyone around me, who love me, and give me some supports,, God bless me
When I have a really "cool" mom,, God bless me..
When I sick,, I don't need to pay the doctor and the medicine,, God bless me..Because He is my doctor,, and He is my medicine..
When the earthquake happened and I didn't got even a stratch,, God bless me..Because when I fall down, He catch me with His right-hand, so my head doesn't hit the rock..
When I cry He cheer me up..
When no one understand me, He is the one who understand me..
When there is looks impossible for me, He make it possible..

Even when I do so many mistakes and sins..
He still love me and die for me..
He can take all my stuff,, but He don't do that..
He can take all my friends,, but He don't do that..
He can kill me now,, but He don't do that..
His love is always the same until now..I',m proud to be me..I don't care what other people think of me..

Because I know one thing: He says that I'm special
He had the greatest plan for us..
Greater than what can we imagine..

Reader,, just keep smiling when problems come to you..

Because everything that happen in our live is a beautiful things,, just like westlife song: there is always sunshine after the rain.. Always believe Him..

He know the best for you.. Just be happy for all things that you have.. Because there are some people that not as lucky as you..

Last but not least,, just say this:"God, if I can have what I want,, let me want what I have."

Simpat... ThenK! Halaaawwhh..??!!

Temen2.. posting di bwh dibaca ya.. kl g smpt bc,, dikopi-paste di notepad n disimpen di komp/flashdisk bwt dibaca nanti.. kl g bw flashdisk, disimpen di notepad-nya e-mail..ato di folderny komp warnet.. or komp skul.. ato di simpen jd bookmark di HP.. oke3???

kl uda baca ksi komen yah!!
Btw2..Hr ini tu q digebyur tmn2 og py... (ide siapa?? hah?!!!)


Tp asik kok..Salut buat tmn2 XI IA 4 yg dah pd ngrencanain..

Woo kl suru diskusi bwt ngerjain org pinter bgd..Giliran suru ngerjain tugas..

Wah,, q jd takut kl kebersamaan ini cpt berakhir..mbok wes kelas 3 ndak usa dioplos lg.. (emang jamu??)

I love my class!!!
Simpat... ThenK! Halaaawwhh..??!!
Tetep kompak yoo..

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

TumPeng Yummm..

Ni tumpeng buatane klpmk masak q...Yumm...ni foto tampak atas.. sbnre ada foto tampak samping tp le loading image suine sakjagad..
nyam2 bgd dehhh...
tapi sori ya pren,, aq ga buka catering.. Jd jgn pesen2 mknn sm aq.. wkwkwk.. orang tumpeng yg ini aja le mbuat wes ngoyo banget...
capek deh.. uda gt pas lg tengah2 hias tumpeng ada mobil pengaspal jalan lewat n asepnya masuk ke dapur.. Walah dapure ndak strategis bgd!masak berbatasan lgsg sama jalanan,,

Btw,, makasi ya buat yg uda pada ngado n bikinin surprise bwt ultahq..
arigato gozaimasu... Taun dpn q tunggu kado2 n surprise2 nya brikutnya !!
Yg blm pada ngado, ngado ya!


Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

WWW (Whatta Weird Wish)

Pren,, prnh ga sih kalian punya keinginan yg rodo wagu gt..??
Aq prnh.. hehehe..

Yahh,, doain aja apa yg aq harapkan bs terjadi..

yg psti aq nggak mengharapkan sesuatu yg jelek kok..

Di umurq yg ke 16 q pgn bgd bisa lebih dari sekedar Meicy,,
aku mw nunjukin kalo ini aku,,
16 years old girls,,
neva give up,,
always walk in HIS plan..
Sekalipun ada yg bilang aq benalu, parasit, nemathelminthes, porifera, skoliosis, lordosis, kifosis, amuba, plathyhelminthes, arachnida,,,
I said :"YO BEN!!"

Kalau aku memang benalu, mnrtq itu lebih baik daripada anthurium.. udah perawatannya susah,, mahal lagi..
Biarlah aku jadi benalu,, yang bisa tumbuh di mana aja.. tetep idup walau keinjek2..
tetep bagus walaupun ada badai yang datang,,kalo emang benalu itu ga ada gunanya, buat apa dia tercipta?

Smua orang tercipta bkn tanpa maksud,,
bkn bwt ngebak2i nggon,,
nambah populasi, dll..
Smua org tercipta dg bgitu spesial dan Tuhan uda nyedian rencana yg super duper keren bwt qt smua..!!!

I just wanna be me.. No more,,
Ayow smangadd!! Semangad temen2 smuanyaa,,


Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

AADDPEA(Ada Apa dengan Dua Puluh Empat Agustus)

mbii,, judule jayus buanget,,


tanggal 24 agustus aku meh mengheningkan cipta...
mengenang jasa2 pahlawan..

mamaku pahlawannya..
dan aku biang keroknya..

ra cetha tenan..
sapa yg tw maksudnya ngasi komen dunk,,


date apa hayo??

maksudku tuh date tanggal loh,, bkn date kencan..

agatha kan tny tanggal baptisku...
tanggal 2 Februari 2008..
keren ya tanggale.. (mbii..)