Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Me and My Drawings

This entry is copied from my deviant journal at Watch my deviations if you liked to^^ It's YovenSignique^^

Hello. My name is Meicy :)

This is my first journal entry. So I made this account long long time ago but it seems to be abandoned until now. I do visit deviantart regularly (esp when I got a new design project & I need to find some inspirations ), but well, I haven't posted anything yet.

Well, Hi again then. My name is Meicy and I'm a graphic design student in a university in Jakarta.
When people heard about my major, first question from them was.. Oh, so you can draw well eh?
and then the rest of the conversation would be...
"err.. no?"
"... yeah, I mean.. not really. I don't like to draw realistically. I want to draw anything I want to draw. Some fantasy creatures, something disproportionally cute..."
But behind them (esp in the peak of a sorrowful drawing assignment), I will go like.... "GOD!! I hate drawing! I hate drawiiingg!! Why they ask me to do this! Oh nooo I took a wrong major!"

Today is actually the peak of my stressful battle between me and my drawing skill. That's why I write this now. Drawing. This has turned out to be a big issue. Seems like every project needs this. Even my lovely typography class! Waaaaiiiii T.T
But the most bloody smurf is, of course, the illustration design class. Not that I hate the subject or the lecturer. It's just, again, my SUCK drawing skill is the main problem. I really hate this condition. I really envy those people who can draw REALLY well. TOO well. It seems like someone with a good drawing skill has won over any design project. Just put some good drawing on it, with a right composition and layout, add some standard fonts, and voila! Masterpiece!
Meanwhile, me, on the other stink corner, struggling in drawing a stickman with a graphic tablet. *sad song playing on the background*

The fact is, yes, I love design, but seriously, drawing is not my strong point. Let me clear this up. Drawing is MY WEAKNESS.
Should I give up?
..... Why should I? I already here anyway. There's no turning back.
Shortly, I wont give up on that. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.
My drawings suck? So? Like picasso never had a bad drawing..
All I have to do is practice.. practice.. and practice.. which is kinda hard to do.

So I'm planning to stick a really big white paper on my wall and start filling that thing up EVERYDAY with my random drawings and see if I do some improvements after it's filled up.
Hope this method works!

Oh, one last thing. I will start to fill up my gallery. Hope you enjoy it and.... comments are strongly needed.
Let's see if I could improve from one to another artwork^^


4 komentar:

  1. calm down neng.. hahahaha.. jd teringat masa2 illus dulu.. me suck at drawing too.. yah, dijalani saja, when u draw jg there must be fav obj/ style u can do r8? nyerocos kesono, smbl berdoa... wakakakaka.. ^^

  2. Hahaha.. I'm totally calm when I wrote this. Tenaaang. Btw gw prefer dipanggil mbak daripada neng ;p
    So far saya bisanya gambar stickman. eaaa..
    Yeah.. pasti kalo uda kebiasa bakal nemu lah style tertentu. I'll do my best lah pokoknyaaa :D

  3. Saya juga berbakat gambar stickman :D..kalo dipanggilnya mbok boleh ga?

  4. @manusia gua
    Gak boleee.. I will call you mbah then!! Hahahaha..


Terimakasih atas kesediaan anda memberi komentar,, kl bisa tulis yg banyak ya!! Kritik ddan sarannya juga ditunggu lhoo..^^